Amy Schumer a dezvăluit sexul primului ei copil. Actriţa aşteaptă să nască

6 mai, 2019
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Ca şi-n cazul lui Meghan Markle, bebeluşul actriţei se lasă aşteptat. Nerăbdătoare, actriţa a împărtăşit cu fanii ei sexul primului copil.

În aşteptarea bebeluşului ei, actriţa de comedie Amy Schumer a dezvăluit că ea şi soţul ei, Chris Fischer, aşteaptă venirea pe lume a unui... băieţel! Anunţul a fost făcut pe contul ei de Instagram, în stilul caracteristic.

Actriţa de 37 de ani a postat o pledoarie împotriva lanţului de magazine ”Wendy`s”, care refuză să protejeze femeile de viol, iar la sfârşit a făcut marele anunţ. ”Ah, şi o să avem un băiat”, şi-a încheiat actriţa postarea în mediul online.

        View this post on Instagram                   Hey! We love @chancetherapper and hate to be the ones to tell him that Wendys is the only fast food chain refusing to protect farmworker women from sexual assault and rape in the fields. This is true. Please read that sentence again. Message for the people in charge: Instead of spicy nuggets, we want food that is harvested with dignity NOT violence. Please join the @fairfoodprogram and #BoycottWendys link in my bio of how you can help. Also we are having a boy. 🥳 A post shared by @ amyschumer on May 5, 2019 at 11:33am PDT

View this post on Instagram

Hey! We love @chancetherapper and hate to be the ones to tell him that Wendys is the only fast food chain refusing to protect farmworker women from sexual assault and rape in the fields. This is true. Please read that sentence again. Message for the people in charge: Instead of spicy nuggets, we want food that is harvested with dignity NOT violence. Please join the @fairfoodprogram and #BoycottWendys link in my bio of how you can help. Also we are having a boy. 🥳

A post shared by @ amyschumer on

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