Duelul duceselor: Kate şi Meghan, atât de diferite la două evenimente regale

7 noiembrie, 2019
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Meghan Markle a deţinut, astăzi, rolul principal la un eveniment care-i omagiază pe soldaţii căzuţi în Cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial, eveniment organizat la catedrala Westminster Abbey din Londra. 

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Ducesa de Sussex l-a însoţit pe Prinţul Harry, îmbrăcat în uniformă de paradă, la o ceremonie în memoria militarilor britanici. Meghan a îmbrăcat un palton gros, navy, prins destul de strâns cu o curea, o pălărie şic purtată pe frunte, o rochie neagră şi cizme înalte. Noutatea a fost dată de coafura impecabilă a lui Meghan, părul ei lung şi bogat fiind coafat în bucle lejere. 

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Tot azi, Ducesa de Cambridge a încântat şi ea cu o nouă apariţie stilistică fără cusur la un eveniment regal din Londra. 

Kate Middleton l-a însoţit pe Prinţul William în cadrul unei vizite la o organizaţie ce luptă împotriva actelor teroriste. Ei bine, cu această ocazie, ducesa şi-a asortat ţinuta cu cea a soţului ei, şi anume o rochie midi într-o nuanţă de albastru închis, cu o centură de efect, creaţie Emilia Wickstead. 

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Ca accesorii, Kate a ales o pereche de pantofi negri din lac şi un plic în aceeaşi nuanţă. Ca de obicei, Ducesa de Cambridge a ales să-şi lase părul liber, coafat cu volum. 

Ieri, cumnata lui Kate, Meghan Markle, a mai fost implicată într-o acţiune regală alături de Prinţul Harry, cei doi vizitându-şi vecinii din Windsor la un centru comunitar pentru familiile soldaţilor britanici. 

Ducii de Sussex au fost destul de zgârciţi cu pozele, singurele capturi de la ieşirea lor fiind cele postate pe pagina lor de Instagram.

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        View this post on Instagram                   Yesterday, The Duke and Duchess surprised their neighbours in Windsor at a coffee morning for military families in a community centre located in the heart of the Army housing estate. Every year during the month of November we pause to remember and honour all those who have served their country here in the UK, across the Commonwealth and around the world. Their Royal Highnesses also wanted to show support for the families of service personnel who are currently deployed overseas. As we lead up to Remembrance Sunday, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will join Her Majesty The Queen and other Members of the Royal Family at various commemoration events, including the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall and the Cenotaph. During the visit yesterday, Their Royal Highnesses met with young families who shared their experiences as parents and as couples who are often apart from their loved ones for months at a time. A reminder that a life of service does not simply describe the person wearing the uniform, but the entire family. #Remembrance #Lestweforget A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Nov 7, 2019 at 1:01am PST

View this post on Instagram

Yesterday, The Duke and Duchess surprised their neighbours in Windsor at a coffee morning for military families in a community centre located in the heart of the Army housing estate. Every year during the month of November we pause to remember and honour all those who have served their country here in the UK, across the Commonwealth and around the world. Their Royal Highnesses also wanted to show support for the families of service personnel who are currently deployed overseas. As we lead up to Remembrance Sunday, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will join Her Majesty The Queen and other Members of the Royal Family at various commemoration events, including the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall and the Cenotaph. During the visit yesterday, Their Royal Highnesses met with young families who shared their experiences as parents and as couples who are often apart from their loved ones for months at a time. A reminder that a life of service does not simply describe the person wearing the uniform, but the entire family. #Remembrance #Lestweforget

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

Foto: Getty Images, Profimedia

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