Prinţesa Sofia a Suediei luptă împotriva coronavirusului. S-a angajat într-un spital

18 aprilie, 2020
5 printesa sofia a suediei coronavirus 2 jpg jpeg

Coronavirusul nu iartă şi face victime din orice pătură a societăţii, fie că vorbim de vârstnici, de tineri, de oameni simpli sau de regalităţi. Prinţesa Sofia a Suediei a înţeles în ce situaţie delicată ne aflăm şi luptă împotriva coronavirusului, s-a angajat într-un spital!

Prinţesa Sofia a Suediei dă dovdă de curaj, dar şi de iubire faţă de întreg poporul său! Aceasta a început să lucreze de vineri în spital pentru a ajuta medicii, asistentele în lupta împotriva coronavirusului. Prinţesa Sofia s-a specializat rapid şi a urmat un curs medical intensiv la Sophiahemmet University College din Stockholm, unde este membru onorific.

        Vezi această postare pe Instagram                   🚨NEWS🚨 Princess Sofia of Sweden has started working as support staff at the @sophiahemmet in Stockholm after completing the three-day medical training offered to laid-off SAS staff. ."In the crisis we are in, she wants to contribute with the workforce in the healthcare sector," says Margareta Thorgren, Head of Information for Hovet. The plan is now for Princess Sofia to work as support staff, cleaning, preparing and disinfecting and helping at the Sophiahemmet. Well done to @prinsparet 👏👏👏👏 I am so proud of Princess Sofia and the work she has done and continues to do! #PrincessSofia#PrincessSofiaOfSweden#PrinsessanSofia#PrinsessanSofiaAvSverige#sofiahellqvist#royals#royalfamily#swedishroyals#swedishroyalfamily#bernadotte#kungahuset#kungafamiljen O postare distribuită de Royal Families (@coutureandroyals) pe Apr 17, 2020 la 12:59 PDT

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🚨NEWS🚨 Princess Sofia of Sweden has started working as support staff at the @sophiahemmet in Stockholm after completing the three-day medical training offered to laid-off SAS staff. ."In the crisis we are in, she wants to contribute with the workforce in the healthcare sector," says Margareta Thorgren, Head of Information for Hovet. The plan is now for Princess Sofia to work as support staff, cleaning, preparing and disinfecting and helping at the Sophiahemmet. Well done to @prinsparet 👏👏👏👏 I am so proud of Princess Sofia and the work she has done and continues to do! #PrincessSofia#PrincessSofiaOfSweden#PrinsessanSofia#PrinsessanSofiaAvSverige#sofiahellqvist#royals#royalfamily#swedishroyals#swedishroyalfamily#bernadotte#kungahuset#kungafamiljen

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În vârstă de 35 de ani, ea este acum în măsură să ajute la activitatea de asistenţă medicală şi să lupte cu pandemia care a infectat 11.927 de persoane în Suedia şi a cauzat moartea a 1.203.

În plus, această universitate pregăteşte 80 de persoane pe săptămână pentru a-i ajuta pe doctorii şi personalul medical din ţară, potrivit publicaţiilor locale.

        Vezi această postare pe Instagram                   🚨NEWS🚨 Princess Sofia of Sweden has started working as support staff at the @sophiahemmet in Stockholm after completing the three-day medical training offered to laid-off SAS staff. ."In the crisis we are in, she wants to contribute with the workforce in the healthcare sector," says Margareta Thorgren, Head of Information for Hovet. The plan is now for Princess Sofia to work as support staff, cleaning, preparing and disinfecting and helping at the Sophiahemmet. Well done to @prinsparet 👏👏👏👏 I am so proud of Princess Sofia and the work she has done and continues to do! #PrincessSofia#PrincessSofiaOfSweden#PrinsessanSofia#PrinsessanSofiaAvSverige#sofiahellqvist#royals#royalfamily#swedishroyals#swedishroyalfamily#bernadotte#kungahuset#kungafamiljen O postare distribuită de Royal Families (@coutureandroyals) pe Apr 17, 2020 la 12:59 PDT

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🚨NEWS🚨 Princess Sofia of Sweden has started working as support staff at the @sophiahemmet in Stockholm after completing the three-day medical training offered to laid-off SAS staff. ."In the crisis we are in, she wants to contribute with the workforce in the healthcare sector," says Margareta Thorgren, Head of Information for Hovet. The plan is now for Princess Sofia to work as support staff, cleaning, preparing and disinfecting and helping at the Sophiahemmet. Well done to @prinsparet 👏👏👏👏 I am so proud of Princess Sofia and the work she has done and continues to do! #PrincessSofia#PrincessSofiaOfSweden#PrinsessanSofia#PrinsessanSofiaAvSverige#sofiahellqvist#royals#royalfamily#swedishroyals#swedishroyalfamily#bernadotte#kungahuset#kungafamiljen

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Directorul departamentului de informaţii şi presă al Casei Regale Margaretha Thorgren a spus că prinţesa vrea ca prin acest gest să-şi aducă o contribuţie voluntară la sistemul medical în aceste vremuri în care resursele sunt reduse.

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