Kate Middleton, prinţul William şi prinţul Harry şi-au lansat un nou cont de Twitter. Vezi ce au postat până acum!

15 ianuarie, 2015

Sunt cei mai populari prinţi din lume, iar trioul pe care îl fac aceşti tineri este unul deosebit de simpatic. Este vorba despre William, soţia lui, Kate Middleton, şi fratele său mai mic, Harry, care şi-au deschis un cont de Twitter

Sunt cei mai populari prinţi din lume, iar trioul pe care îl fac aceşti tineri este unul deosebit de simpatic. Este vorba despre William, soţia lui, Kate Middleton, şi fratele său mai mic, Harry, care şi-au deschis un cont de Twitter oficial, doar ei trei: @KensingtonRoyal.

This account represents The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry - follow for updates on their work and the #RoyalFoundation — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) January 14, 2015

This account represents The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry - follow for updates on their work and the #RoyalFoundation

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) January 14, 2015

Fanii celor trei vor afla de pe acest cont ultimele noutăţi din viaţa prinţilor, dar şi activităţile lor caritabile.

„Salutări de la Palatul Kensington! Bine aţi venit pe noul nostru cont de Twitter", a fost prima postare a acestora, de miercuri dimineaţă.

It's our #coachcore apprentices' graduation at @KensingtonRoyal today! #exciting pic.twitter.com/2T2FjWqbrT — Glasgow Sport (@Glasgow_Sport) January 14, 2015

It's our #coachcore apprentices' graduation at @KensingtonRoyal today! #exciting pic.twitter.com/2T2FjWqbrT

— Glasgow Sport (@Glasgow_Sport) January 14, 2015

Contul lui Will, Kate şi Harry este deja unul dintre cele mai populare de pe Twitter, căci de ieri dimineaţă până azi a adunat deja aproape 100.000 de followers.

#Coachcore was founded by the #RoyalFoundation in response to TRH's shared aim to inspire young people through sport pic.twitter.com/Xb2y3nA6UN — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) January 14, 2015

was founded by the

in response to TRH's shared aim to inspire young people through sport

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) January 14, 2015

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