Steve Sanders din "Beverly Hills, 90210" i-a cerut divorţul soţiei sale. E o altă femeie la mijloc?

6 noiembrie, 2019
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Una caldă, alta rece pentru actorul Ian Ziering, interpretul lui Steve Sanders din serialul cult Beverly Hills, 90210. 

După ce acesta a revenit în atenţia media cu rolul din noua serie 

, se pare că viaţa lui personală a avut de suferit. 

Soţia lui Ian (55), Erin Ludwig (34), cu 21 de ani mai mică decât actorul, a depus actele de divorţ, cerând dizolvarea mariajului lor de nouă ani, unul din care au rezultat două fetiţe: Mia şi Penna, de opt şi de şase ani. 

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Surse apropiate cuplului susţin, însă, că cel care a iniţiat despărţirea a fost Ian, actorul cerându-i soţiei sale să se mute din domiciliul lor comun. În urma acestei acţiuni, Erin a depus actele de divorţ. 

Chiar şi postarea acesteia de pe Instagram explică acest lucru: actorul a fost cel care a vrut despărţirea. 

        View this post on Instagram                   I mean, it is kind of hard to choose an announcing your divorce picture, so i just went with my favorite one of myself ? . After 9 1/2 years of marriage Ian asked for a divorce. After having asked multiple times I knew it was time to give up. Knowing that I am not the person to make him happy makes the situation feel more peaceful. The girls and I are doing great and finding gratitude and love in our new life together and rebuilding. Thank you to everyone who has been reaching out and I am sorry if I do not get a chance to respond right now. I appreciate your love and the sisterhood of women who surrounds me during this time. . . Xo- Erin A post shared by Erin Ziering (@erinziering) on Oct 31, 2019 at 2:23pm PDT

View this post on Instagram

I mean, it is kind of hard to choose an announcing your divorce picture, so i just went with my favorite one of myself ? . After 9 1/2 years of marriage Ian asked for a divorce. After having asked multiple times I knew it was time to give up. Knowing that I am not the person to make him happy makes the situation feel more peaceful. The girls and I are doing great and finding gratitude and love in our new life together and rebuilding. Thank you to everyone who has been reaching out and I am sorry if I do not get a chance to respond right now. I appreciate your love and the sisterhood of women who surrounds me during this time. . . Xo- Erin

A post shared by Erin Ziering (@erinziering) on

"După nouă ani şi jumătate de mariaj, Ian mi-a cerut să dirvorţăm. După ce mi-a cerut asta de mai mult ori, am ştiut că este timpul să renunţ. Concluzionând că nu sunt eu persoana care l-ar putea face fericit face situaţia mai uşor de suportat", scrie soţia lui Ian, cu un evident regret. 

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