Primul turneu regal în formulă de 3. Meghan, Harry şi micuţul Archie în Africa

28 iunie, 2019
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Toţi aşteptau cu sufletul la gură noi veşti despre bebeluşul Ducilor de Sussex. Ei bine, iată că au sosit: micuţul Archie îşi va însoţi părinţii în turneul regal din Africa.

Aşadar, după ce-l vom vedea pe micuţ la botez, vom mai avea ocazia de a-l vedea în toamnă, în timpul mai multor îndatoriri regale, când părinţii lui vor fi în turneu regal în Africa. Anunţul oficial a fost făcut chiar de către Ducii de Sussex, prin intermediul unei postări pe contul de Instagram.

„Acesta va fi primeu turneu al familiei”, stă scris pe contul celor doi. Totuşi, printr-un comunicat oficial, Palatul Buckingham a anunţat că Archie şi Meghan vor călători alături de Harry doar o porţiune din acest turneu, dat fiind faptul că sunt zone, precum Angola şi Malawi, care prezintă un risc crescut de îmbolnăvire.

        View this post on Instagram                   TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are excited to announce that they have been asked to carry out a tour to Southern Africa this autumn. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have requested a visit to South Africa 🇿🇦 as well as The Duke carrying out visits to Malawi 🇲🇼 and Angola 🇦🇴. His Royal Highness will also do a short working visit to Botswana 🇧🇼 en route to the other countries. The Duke and Duchess are really looking forward to meeting so many of you on the ground and continuing to raise awareness of the high impact work local communities are doing across the Commonwealth and beyond. This will be their first official tour as a family! A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Jun 27, 2019 at 8:14am PDT

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TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are excited to announce that they have been asked to carry out a tour to Southern Africa this autumn. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have requested a visit to South Africa 🇿🇦 as well as The Duke carrying out visits to Malawi 🇲🇼 and Angola 🇦🇴. His Royal Highness will also do a short working visit to Botswana 🇧🇼 en route to the other countries. The Duke and Duchess are really looking forward to meeting so many of you on the ground and continuing to raise awareness of the high impact work local communities are doing across the Commonwealth and beyond. This will be their first official tour as a family!

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

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